Ciroc Apple Vodka is distilled five times like all Ciroc vodkas to ensure its purity and sharp taste. The apple vodka is created by artfully blending apple and flavors creating vodka that will dance across your taste buds. The... Read More
Ciroc Apple Vodka is distilled five times like all Ciroc vodkas to ensure its purity and sharp taste. The apple vodka is created by artfully blending apple and flavors creating vodka that will dance across your taste buds. The... Read More
CIROC Mango, the newest addition to the Ciroc family. This vodka is a tropical spin on a classic French grape based vodka. With all the cocktail possibilities, this will definitely be a smash for late summer sipping.
All sizes are 750mL unless otherwise noted.
Vintages and ratings subject to change at any time.
All pricing and availability subject to change.
Artwork does not necessarily represent items for sale.
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